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Yo-Zuri Triple Skirt 5PK



Color: #1
Product Details
The Yo-Zuri Triple Skirt 5 3/8 inch is a tuna skirt used with jet heads to create the perfect Tuna trolling presentation. The combination of a Yo-Zuri Triple-Skirt with a six-shooter jet- or ruby-eyed hex-head is a very common trolling setup for Albacore on the west coast.

Product Details
The Yo-Zuri Triple Skirt 5 3/8 inch is a tuna skirt used with jet heads to create the perfect Tuna trolling presentation. The combination of a Yo-Zuri Triple-Skirt with a six-shooter jet- or ruby-eyed hex-head is a very common trolling setup for Albacore on the west coast.


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